The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Article 19.
- Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Not all states of the world respect this article, nor all people of the world can rely on the support of the international community to see respected their human rights. But in the whole world there are many activists that continue to think, to speech, to live, despite the censure, the jail, the torture or the risk to die.
We are near to these people with our soul but we want also participate with our material contribute to their struggles.
Almost always they use internet to public their words and we know well that in same countries it’s very dangerous use this instrument because these states control who access to particular websites and record their identities or block the access to websites and prevent the search of several contents. There are also countries that are creating their networks to replace internet.
But there is also a lot of methods to bypass the censure. Some are free like Tor, I2P, Freenet, Psiphon and others not free like commercial VPN or JonDonym. We want offer everything FREE to the activists.
We want create a network of friends that support the freedom of speech!
In the last months we assisted many people. If you want participate we are searching co-workers and supporters. Contact us.
But first, we need to know if who ask us aid is really an activist, and for this purpose we use social networks, microblogs, instant messaging, IRC and other communication services. We need that who ask us aid has also a good reputation with very important activists or public persons that work for human rights associations, ecologist associations, journalists or editors defenders of human rights, lawyers for the human rights or other professionals that dedicate their work for who hasn’t rights. We can term them “sponsors”.
Very important, don’t use your real identity, but only pseudonyms please!
We are present on social networks, microblogs, instant messaging and IRC and we use these internet services to understand if these sponsors confirm your real position like activist.
For the first contact we recommend to use free anonymization tools like Tor Browser Bundle and free temporary email address like For political activists we recommend in particular or and for all activists we suggest the free anonymous secure email address
But attention, informations about long term communication partners can be used to feature out real identity! If someone needs a highly anonymous e-mail account to do something – may be for whistleblowing – creates a new mail account and use it only for this one job. Deletes the account, if the job was done and never uses it for other communication partners.
Then, when you want ask confidential informations and/or ask a not free tool like commercial VPN or JonDonym you must contact us to our email address using the encoding system GnuPG. It’s simple to use it, this is the guide. You can send the email using your email address or using a remailer.
Or if you prefer, you can use the contact form below the Contact page.
Our public key:
pub 4096R/2AA38896 2013-04-25 __________ 2023-04-23 Key fingerprint = 18FE E8C6 7A14 C35F 00C9 A559 7825 612C 2AA3 8896 uid Jean Luc Picard (freedom of speech is freedom to live) <communicationaid(at)> sub 4096R/BC7F1DB0 2013-04-25 __________ 2023-04-23
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux) mQINBFF5dY0BEADIv8Eysiy6rsmClxKvlz4MNpKCKp1DGqTOlv3YiRY7Rt5yE3iT lubK6MUqEkXjC83sUE+YKXDfc7RFuqv/uWQCGHGWh+lAnCeeIRpHRSMo/KV9VOQY COYBkR1XrVnp45nUzcjX1SQBfZ3OY7i3clIIyZMo3MnS9EK0PNco+6dZp6HwgJaH mnBIu968U/Kb6D5wnmCipW1fKNYMUOVLqL5mqGkcjf/sQlsqcJPSWuQBkK/ucols jUFMSG2z5lpGRr7ULkz10i+53zNlqswicgvBQJNzPiC4mZ4dfOE7b/J9jJ2p4O49 pe8fqfbA1vE0mixszlc+dCDhfoB/VioldDQG6j438MmpLGJuxr7EYrLTegLLsgP6 0jyF21hMguBsXDH7Fo0XoNjgU56SH+ZXGJvE1OsNNJN5dFPAfCIjH6k88UbGmaF+ R6IPltzSh3jceOWVxrH5Z/orkthT51bQReLO4UOcL1rtBS1B4zBHDySAXGBFx5lP kvbeN+7RJYk+lqfp+fU08zdUgcQAtpNn3QVOOzSfcMGWGC6KQgFtnfQyHr/JGJna C6JLI1hn5dzBYtnUhCe06AQ8Uc7a1uua6O+bCqZimxqnFGpzBgQ1lba8HoLSDmU1 PIqrzjvuCF3CRWQbt5Cll90YjEkCv67A6c2hKqkN/raLduet626bfMplNQARAQAB tFdKZWFuIEx1YyBQaWNhcmQgKGZyZWVkb20gb2Ygc3BlZWNoIGlzIGZyZWVkb20g dG8gbGl2ZSkgPGNvbW11bmljYXRpb25haWRAY3J5cHRvbGFiLm5ldD6JAj4EEwEC ACgFAlF5dY0CGwMFCRLMAwAGCwkIBwMCBhUIAgkKCwQWAgMBAh4BAheAAAoJEHgl YSwqo4iW9mYQAKzSV6ZA9bEPfmurBgbXlz/RPG4aYuuGe32/jv8m84HLWfREKn98 CX6cnQ7E5PA2bYOFmAfz1tvC2d6TODRvT0k9bw767Ez8rhaQ54U2NNIPru9SKV3T MSKENgE19/UBzyBzqW8iKqHFqqXtFmC4orpyeYlabwB2GiF/CBOJh4FzNiiiYJU9 UI2qPvm+b2TEoO0k5x07wm60aTCx3eD1LgHLoYL4dBLUX877jRetvwewVOHiyXDn KBGIVV3VOFYoIRbx1wfwstNh7Slw6IFtBqHkWlobQVQLTTrc22v1HDFGl1rT+NQ2 fF3mfe2yN3eYp1u9XRLO5CNm/AUk4xJO6awPMIGP2Kx0d3DQPyd2jriimgRmwK+0 1IJZVrAYy9rOqPk4r58HbyLeRRjq02kjw1R7vpDgLX9Z88ANG7qOnRey7xtYx6EI 5K5kjN36oqJq+6LJPjuDpkYa+zXAqG1Hp24GhsICVH47+CFzxBkSE90UCS/UgpID 5OTb+jSpu5oUzkff18DAzgLZIe6xYIU6y53i31uW+vpANG4crdQwpZEOmQIq2Opd C6ngIdB3GhPI8tPEEGzmANOnCjCD2YNgis6MU9+V9HPwt27QVkoM+5O6lVEDr6VS LHZRgSma9foNbTCqJ36z0VPegYzT83ekA3j6CY3W/7fB+l3K5ATJsuxkuQINBFF5 dY0BEADK1cQQVbS2BdGZCQWa5vhox9NcTqMfuDSXnTtxlnbbHt9sZ/UrEFINdH5G pLzO7zuSgQiwiHg+smkues7Gl4MyVNUX9MljgYLwjrYj+vg7kp7jnIjhooc74GV7 vz+W998ewIzBaNGt3b7JQqnvjsCDWNi9wdSYvwk2FKqcwTZ1+CpBViaRRorpykpj qErhMg7m1q9N9l3MzNunfcuQO30zxXoME6gVDkQrzUZOBbsGjJvCZaMFjI8va6H7 gq4Y095XTXZnMWpPL99ssyXNiTJJ/n3ToSSkotxmXKUZvCdAIBuXkor+6kPEM/1b wy3tdUa9Q+tRj8V01NWi5C8nhLG9ekHx0niXHovC/qJg8s7GfWjRMYGgg7i4dyJp PJVeLZCW1z1aDtY5GAa48+LVmP2YMvGiVq8h4zKy1xgvYuGoXf18GbK//Wmxg5rt /O3OvPNbwH11JM0eIzgVaPN8TC+ts18+3jNeTPaeoE/WKrS7DuAbLIsVaFwo6vQu BvD6g4gV16VVEEo7c9R8Y9Xi6/IEjFuB8VQq403oJSAUDai90ge0+hLIM3NaNajB dAgdMG6+76VXcrAidJpCTwcCFDGNXNqYG0vJdusbusgG7LGv5OmQAzXGd1q3Qnys IceuI//H/nY6wNc7vrzrKCXpnX8aLGQHPzRqhbeYjc5vHMw7hwARAQABiQIlBBgB AgAPBQJReXWNAhsMBQkSzAMAAAoJEHglYSwqo4iWUOQP/0N1C5Tz43HQJ/FH9R4O GXg0M+VU981HV2UX7wQ1M+kDliZJTnai+g8tHXtfQOSAKdD4bLcTGl9lx4WXJ68c 3w98UdgS/ONvWgbsaKUjuoJAOMXtueRNTqkKJp5G33K+0io4uxfJXqL9BmMuBdLC DCWAzw1yguv48dTEmPXr6AnGW4lwQI96UiiDdud5AACZ86qi8Iz0Qv7H1E9tOuqu Zksd42aELqc4oEJBnsG7RXZlBiFiCkFC8KXINgOCTyGXYBIsxiIyphIiYbpouLJw uv47+8enZaGQZLlMugEouR/yXJmqQ6//lhA/8S5AGtUw6WbcGnkfx7LdQxgpJg46 RgkgNj4I1mpATkE+7X1go/egOoKNT3wfc2TQSh2saGbtsjItwUj4vwStqCEhxJXr WJRdaorEv2U89+GKs4wKE+sW2x11O7Im7A9bO6a75eLxtZNirT84aO/xuBWZ94tQ H5olyRN1USBZ8/mmxbJ6A5WJ6tu3rs/bp79GLNjlw0q0QUChferEzgtW2/5JJtQd 1KMcsPfvITKDu8Z8d5UNkrWQX684kPKMNurHTiPJnVlishl9ghvgDwD/CDY1Ci0p Lvy/Bl2PwSZBgubd/gfQVY03liEYjCimHMne9hWXmmgoVVGWgpZY2m8US5LA5KXC JiSSOZ0fKxBqrxMb5SilRVDb =wdRe -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
Finally we want suggest the reading of a complete and comprehensive book about privacy on internet:
Good luck and free speech to everyone!